2013年9月7日 星期六


posted on 07/06/2006


































Odysseus:希臘神話傳說中最著名的英雄之一,Trojan War的參加者。戰爭結束後,與同伴在返航的過程中經過食棗人國(據說在北非),這裡棗子比蜜還甜,食後就忘記自己的家鄉。後來在返航的途中遭受攻擊,逃到太陽神的女兒、女巫Circe的島(在意大利西面),Odysseus的同伴被女巫變成了豬,Odysseus靠神使Hermes的指點,手裏拿著黑莖白花的“魔力草”才倖免於難。










Thyrsus: Dionysus和他的伴侶的神杖,上面纏著常春藤和葡萄葉,頂端冠以松果。



  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/06/2006

    How about Hebe

    "I am no worshipper of Hygia, who was the daughter of that old herb-doctor Asclepius ... but rather of Hebe ... who had the power of restoring gods and men to the vigour of youth. She was probably the only thoroughly sound-conditioned, healthy, and robust young lady that ever walked the globe, and whenever she came it was spring." [Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862, Walden]

  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/06/2006

    1832, "grass yielding edible grain," originally an adj. (1818), from Fr. céréale, from L. Cerealis "of grain," originally "of Ceres," from Ceres

    Alma Mater
    1398, from L., lit. "bountiful mother," title Romans gave to goddesses, especially Ceres and Cybele, from alma, fem. of almus "nourishing," from alere "to nourish" (see old) + mater "mother."

    coined 1810 by Sir Humphry Davy from Gk. khloros "pale green" (see Chloe). Named for its color.

    c.1175, from O.Fr. cipres, from L. cyparissus, from Gk. kyparissos, from an unknown pre-Greek Mediterranean language. Perhaps related to Heb. gopher, name of the tree whose wood was used to make the ark (Gen. vi.14).

    1603, from L. Europa "Europe," from Gk. Europe, often explained as "broad face," from eurys "wide" + ops "face." Klein suggests a possible Sem. origin in Akkad. erebu "to go down, set" (in reference to the sun) which would parallel orient (q.v.)

    1771, collective name for animals of a certain region or time, from L.L. Fauna, a Roman fertility goddess, wife, sister, or daughter (or some combination thereof) of Faunus.

    1777, "the plant life of a region or epoch," from L. Flora Roman goddess of flowers, from flos (gen. floris)
    related: florid, flourish, flower

    c.1300, "chance, luck as a force in human affairs," from O.Fr. fortune (12c.), from L. fortuna

    1387, "prismatic rock crystal," from L. iris (pl. irides) "iris of the eye, iris plant, rainbow," from Gk. iris (gen. iridos) "a lily, iris of the eye," originally "messenger of the gods," personified as the rainbow. The eye region was so called (1525 in Eng.) for being the colored part.
    related: iridescent
    1796, coined from L. iris (gen. iridis) "rainbow"

    1905, from Ger. Narzissismus, coined 1899 by N?cke [in "Die sexuellen Perversit?ten"], on a comparison first suggested 1898 by Havelock Ellis, from Gk. Narkissos, beautiful youth in mythology (Ovid, "Metamorphosis," iii.370) who fell in love with his own reflection in a spring and was turned to the flower narcissus

    type of peach with smooth skin, 1616, noun use of adj. meaning "of or like nectar" (1611)

    c.1225, from O.Fr. persone "human being" (12c., Fr. personne), from L. persona "human being," originally "character in a drama, mask," possibly borrowed from Etruscan phersu "mask." This may be related to Gk. Persephone.

    type of light four-wheeled carriage, 1742, from Fr. (1735), from Gk. Phaethon

    "phallic," 1786, from Priapus, from Gk. Priapos, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, the god who personified male reproductive power.

    1591, from Gk. thyrsos, lit. "stalk or stem of a plant," a non-Gk. word of unknown origin. The staff or spear tipped with an ornament like a pine cone, and sometimes wreathed in ivy or vine branches, borne by Dionysus and his votaries.
    related: torso
    1797, from It. torso "trunk of a statue," originally "stalk, stump," from V.L. *tursus, from L. thyrsus "stalk, stem," from Gk. thyrsos

    1369, from O.E. Zefferus, from L. Zephyrus, from Gk. Zephyros "the west wind"
  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/07/2006
    lucy wrote:
    How about Hebe
    "I am no worshipper of Hygia, who was the daughter of that old herb-doctor Asclepius ... but rather of Hebe ... who had the power of restoring gods and men to the vigour of youth. She was probably the only thoroughly sound-conditioned, healthy, and robust young lady that ever walked the globe, and whenever she came it was spring." [Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862, Walden]



      互相热爱 坐在谷仓中

      我听见青年中时时传言道: 萨福








    I read in the Gulistan, or Flower Garden, of Sheik Saadi of Shiraz, that "They
    asked a wise man, saying; of the many celetrated trees which the most hight God
    has created lofty and unbrageous, they call non azad, or free, excepting the
    cypress, which bears no fruit; what mystery is there in this? He replied;
    Each has its appropriate produce, and appointed season, during the continuance
    of which it is fresh and blooming, and during their absence dry and withered;
    to neither of which states is the cypress exposed, being always flourishing;
    and of this nature are the azads, or religious independents. - Fix not thy heart
    on that which is transitory; for the Dijlah, or Tigris, will contiue to flow
    through Bagdad after the race of caliphs is extinct: if thy had has plenty, be
    liberal as the date tree; but if it affords nothing to give away, be an azad, or
    free man, like the cypress."


    而开 花,不当时令它们便干枯而萎谢;柏树不属于这些,它永远苍翠,具有这种本
    性的得称 为Azad,宗教的独立者。──你的心不要固定在变幻的上面,因为Dijlah,
    底格利斯河, 在哈里发绝种以后,还是奔流经过巴格达的;如果你手上很富有,要



    The Story of Cyparissus

    There was a deer, whom the Carthean nymphs
    Held sacred, a great stag, whose spreading antlers
    Were his own shade-tree. Golden shone those horns,
    And round his glossy neck a string of jewels
    Fell to his shoulders, and a silver bubble,
    Fastened with little straps, gleamed on his forehead,
    With earrings, made of bronze, at either temple.
    He had no fear at all, would enter houses,
    Let even unfamiliar people pet him,
    But most of all he was fond of Cyparissus,
    The handsomest youth in Cea. Cyparissus
    Would lead the animal to the green pastures,
    Beside the running brooks, wreathe garlands for him
    Of many-colored flowers, or ride him, bareback,
    Guiding him gently with the crimson bridle.
    One summer noon-day, when the heat of the sun
    Held hot around the seashore, the deer was Iying,
    Tired, with his body on the grassy ground,
    Under a tree's cool shadow, and Cyparissus
    Shot him, by some ill luck, with pointed arrow,
    And as he saw him dying from the wound,
    Wanted to die himself. Apollo offered
    Such consolation as he could, advised him
    To keep his grief within some proper limit,
    But he kept grieving still, and prayed the gods,
    As a last boon, to let him grieve forever.
    And his blood grew thin from that incessant weeping,
    His limbs were green in color, and the hair
    Over his snowy forehead, bristled, roughened
    Like any bush, rose, tapering, toward Heaven.
    Apollo spoke in sorrow: "I shall mourn you,
    As you shall mourn for others, an attendant
    On all who mourn their dead." And still he cypress
    Remains a tree of mourning.


    Rolfe Humphries译。色拉子我写过一组诗,在这里:




  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/07/2006

    xw wrote:>


    I think she is pursued/raped by Helios (Phaethon's father) the Sun God, not Apollo the Sun God. Helios and Apollo are used ambiguously or even interchangeably, but they have distinctive characters and different collection of girlfriends. :-)

  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/07/2006
    Susan wrote:
    xw wrote:> Leucothea:為Apollo所愛,Apollo在她死後把她變為香料樹。
    I think she is pursued/raped by Helios (Phaethon's father) the Sun God, not Apollo the Sun God. Helios and Apollo are used ambiguously or even interchangeably, but they have distinctive characters and different collection of girlfriends. :-)
    yes, you're right. In Metamorphoses book IV, it's called
    sun-god, but, book I, it's called 'Appollo and Daphne'...

    Here is it:

    The Sun-god and Leucothoe

    "But Venus never
    Forgot that spy, and took her vengeance on him.
    She had her turn at getting even, spoiling
    A love affair for him, the one who spoiled
    A love affair for her. Of what avail
    Was all that beauty, brightness, radiant light?
    The god, whose fire lights all the world, was burning
    Himself with foreign fire. The god, who should have
    Looked equally on all created creatures,
    Saw nothing but one girl, Leucothoe,
    Turning on her alone the eyes, whose province
    Belonged to all the world. He would rise too early
    From the Eastern sky, would sink too late to Ocean,
    Would lengthen the winter hours by long delaying
    To look at her, sometimes would fail entirely
    Because the darkness in the heart turned outward,
    A darkness terrible to human beings.
    That was no wanness from the moon's reflection
    Between him and the earth; it was love that caused it.
    He loved Leucothoe alone: Clymene
    Held him no longer, nor that girl of Rhodes,
    Nor Circe's lovely mother, nor even Clytie,
    Scorned but devoted still, wounded, and loving.
    All were forgotten for the sake of her,
    Leucothoe, whose mother was the fairest
    In all that land of aromatic fragrance,
    Eurynome, her name was, and her daughter
    Grew up to be more beautiful than her mother,
    As much so as her mother outshone all others.
    King Orchamus, her father, seventh in line
    From ancient Belus, ruled the Persian cities.

    Under the Western skies the meadows lie
    Where the Sun's horses feed. No common grass
    Regales them, but ambrosia, so their bodies
    Tired from their daily toil take strength again,
    New every morning. While they were tethered here,
    And The Moon went her rounds, the Sun-god entered
    The room of his beloved, putting on
    Eurynome's appearance. He saw the girl
    Among a dozen handmaids, spinning wool,
    Gave her the kind of kiss a mother might have,
    Adding: 'We have a little private business:
    Go away, girls!' And they obeyed; the room
    Was left without a witness. Then the Sun-god
    Revealed himself: 'I am the one who measures
    The long year out, I see all things, and all men
    See everything through me, the eye of the world.
    I love you; do not doubt it.' She was frightened,
    Let fall the spindle and distaff, but even her fright
    Was most becoming. He delayed no longer,
    Turned to his true appearance, the bright splendor,
    And she, still fearful of the sudden vision,
    Won over by that shining, took his passion
    With no complaint.

    "But Clytie, jealous, burning
    No less for the Sun-god's love, and spurred by anger
    Over this rival, made the affair as public
    As ever she could, and went to special trouble
    To tell Leucothoe's father. He had no pity,
    He would not heed her prayers, her arms, uplifted
    To the light of the sun, her cry He made me do it!
    Deep in the earth he buried her and gave her
    For tomb a heavy weight of sand. The Sun-god
    Burned part of this away, so the poor girl
    Might lift her head, and breathe, but all too late.
    Leucothoe was only a lifeless body
    Smothered and crushed. No sight more pitiful
    Had dimmed the Sun-god's eyes since Phaethon
    Fell to his blazing death. He tried in vain
    With all the strength of his warm rays to bring
    Her death-cold limbs to life again, and found
    Fate was too powerful for all his trying,
    And so, on body and ground he sprinkled nectar,
    And mourned for her. 'But still you will reach Heaven,'
    He said, and the body, under the heavenly nectar,
    Melted away, and filled the earth around
    With aromatic fragrance. And a shrub
    Arose, the frankincense, with roots deep-driven
    Into the earth, and the crest rising slowly
    Above the burial-mound.

    "And as for Clytie,
    Love might have been a reason for her sorrow,
    And sorrow for her telling tales, but never
    Would the light-giver come to her again
    To use her in the way of love, and so,
    Since she was used to love, and almost crazy
    For lack of it, she pined away; she hated
    Her sisters; under the open sky, by day,
    By night, she sat alone, bareheaded,
    Naked, unkempt. For nine whole days she sat there,
    With neither food nor drink, her hunger wanting
    Nothing but dew and tears, unstirred, unstirring.
    But still she watched his going, and her gaze
    Followed him on his way across the Heaven.
    Her limbs took root, and her wan color changed
    To a wan leafing, with a little brightness
    Where once her face had been; she was a flower,
    Rooted, but turning always toward the sunlight,
    Changed, but forever keeping love unchanging."


    Leucothoë now is a famous plant genus:

  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/07/2006
    Thank you very much, 浮生 xw
    Very interesting!!!
    It is so good since I am always fascinated by Greek Gods and I also love plants.

    I have read xw's 石榴子果園. Where can we read more of your poem? Thanks.

    I love two plants because of their name.
    Yesterday Today and Tomorrow
    The Yesterday-Today-and-Tomorrow shrub from Brazil likes to show off 3 different colors of flowers during mid-winter. First blooms are deep lilac which turn to light lavender and finish with a fade to white. Hence the names yesterday = deep lilac, today = lavender and tomorrow = white. The flowers are fragrant too

    Black-eyed Susan
    Black-eyed Susan or yellow daisy, North American daisylike wildflower (Rudbeckia hirta) of the family Asteraceae (aster family) with yellow rays and a dark brown center. It is a weedy biennial or annual and grows in dry places. The black-eyed Susan and the other rudbeckias are also called yellow coneflowers.

  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 07/09/2006
    I have read xw's 石榴子果園. Where can we read more of your poem? Thanks.
    thanks for your read.

    most of my poems are in Cafe, search 'xw' you'll find them.

    old pieces...
  • Re: 植物之神
    posted on 01/11/2009
